November 13, 2017 Rocket From The Crypt: Nintendo Flash Games Are Being Brought Back From The Dead By One Nintendo Fan

Rocket From The Crypt: Nintendo Flash Games Are Being Brought Back From The Dead By One Nintendo Fan

If you’re anything like me, then back in the early days of the internet you had your mind blown by Napster, in search of things to download, making fly-ass visualisations on Winamp, hogging the house phone line on MSN Messenger or ICQ, and was just about beginning to get to grips with the magic of MP3.

But what about Flash games? Remember those, the little browser-based lunch-break-killers that you were told off for playing in the few classes where you could use computers? Well did you know that Nintendo was rather proficient at developing its own versions of the addictive mini-games for its flagpole releases?


The Minish Cap
Zelda: The Minish Cap [Image Credit: Nintendo]


Well a modder/hunter-gatherer by the name of Skelux has been busy collating all of Nintendo’s forgotten Flash games on their site Origami64. Some of the titles Skelux has managed to garner in full, but others still stand incomplete. Such is the way of the now overlooked format of play.


Metroid in its... Prime
[Image Credit: Nintendo}]


Throughout the late 90’s and early 00’s, Nintendo released numerous Flash games to tease us gamers into plopping down cold, hard cash on some of their more legendary releases, like Metroid Prime and Animal Crossing. All of which were available on Nintendo’s homepage. Though now forgotten, Skelux has managed to collect 48 (and counting) Flash titles in bits, thanks to the Wayback Machine, and piece them together into browser games that either fully or somewhat resemble their original versions.


Double Dashin' on your desktop
[Image Credit: Nintendo]


In saying that, sadly, half of the titles on Origami64 are incomplete, but Skelux has offered a $50 bounty to any fleet-fingered internet user who can come across any lost file for the half-collated titles.


So, if you’re feeling lucky and want to sample these easily digestible delights, head over to Origami64 and give them a go! And revel in the lost art of Nintendo Flash games. I have to say that the Metroid Prime & The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Flash games are an utter delight!

Let us know what your favourites are in the comments below!


[Source: Motherboard]

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